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Mazzuchelli Scholars and Distinction Programs

Bachelor of Arts with Honors or Bachelor of Science with Honors

The Mazzuchelli Scholars honors program contributes to the mission of the university by providing talented and self-motivated students with the opportunities and skills they will need to become lifelong learners.

The Honors Program curriculum intentionally focuses the energies of students not only on introductory work in various fields, but also on the skills expected of advanced students in their majors. It provides honors students with multiple intensive engagements with writing, reading, and discussion skill building classes, as well as with multiple encounters focused on the skills and methods needed to engage in the creation of new knowledge. The curriculum also builds time into a student's career for a practicum that includes an internship, research opportunity, signature work, or study abroad. In addition to these experiences, a student is required to build a portfolio with at least one piece of graded work from each of the seven Honors designated classes, two seminars and also from the practicum.

Students who accept this challenge are awarded with the degree of Bachelor of Arts with Honors or Bachelor of Science with Honors on the recommendation of the Honors Directors and upon completion of five hours of community engagement per year and the requirements described below.

Entering the Program

The honors degree program is open to full-time students who have been accepted into the program. The Honors Committee sets the criteria for admission, reviews the progress of the students in the program, and recommends the awarding of the degree of Bachelor of Arts with Honors or Bachelor of Science with Honors. Interested students should consult the director of the honors program for current-year policies and guidelines.