Concentration Options
The Social Services concentration prepares you for graduate study and a rewarding career in social work.
Concentration Options
The Social Analysis concentration prepares you for graduate study, law school and successful employment in a wide range of research-oriented occupations.
Concentration Options
The Social Health and Wellbeing concentration prepares you for graduate study and for work addressing social structures that affect health policies, unequal access to health care, and social inequalities in wellbeing.

I am continually amazed by the faculty and staff. I have a real sense that everyone on campus cares about me as a person. Dominican has been a dream come true for me. It has provided me with amazing opportunities and inspired me to pursue a career as a medical social worker.鈥

Coming to DU, I learned that so much value can be placed in the unconventional lesson. The things that we learn from our community, from conversation and relationship can teach us so much about who we are and how to make a community better. How to grow.鈥