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From the left: Lesly and Kiara
Lesly Salguero

Major: Finance

Grad Year: 2024

Involved: Vice President of Women in Business, Vice President of Campus Activity Board, Peer LEADer, and Torch Leader

Kiara Valenzuela

Major: Management

Grad Year: 2024

Involved: President of Women in Business, Resident Assistant, Peer LEADer, and Torch Leader

Dominican has helped students like us find a community and gave us the ability to create our own communities. Starting off college during the global pandemic made the process of making friends and becoming familiar with school extremely hard, but with the help of on campus clubs it made the process a lot easier. That is why we set off to start our own club: Women in Business. With our club we get to be leaders in helping the Dominican student body learn about financial literacy, career readiness, and make connections within their future careers.