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Dr. Victoria Siliunas is an educator and teacher leader with over 25 years of experience in K-12 teaching, school leadership, clinical supervision, and work in bilingual settings. She currently teaches in Chicago area teacher and principal preparation programs and serves as an educational consultant, helping school leaders and teacher teams collaboratively design curriculum and assessments that inspire and sustain student learning, including training faculty in Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and the Data Wise method. Here at DU, Dr. Siliunas teaches core courses for emerging teachers in the School of Education. Her research interests include school improvement planning, culturally responsive teaching, and student engagement. Dr Siliunas is a mom, a new grandma, and a proud Dominican University alumna.

EdD, Loyola University Chicago
MaED, Educational Administration, Dominican University
Research Interests

School improvement planning, culturally responsive teaching, and student engagement


Dominican faculty and staff, .