Preserving water
Our rainwater collection system has helped Dominican reduce the amount of potable water it purchases by more than 4 million gallons a year.
Lighting the way
100,000 therms are saved each year by our energy-efficient boilers and 148,000 watts are saved each year by our energy-efficient lighting installed on campus.
Locally sourced
Nearly 75 percent of the material used to construct Parmer Hall was purchased locally, reducing the amount of fuel needed in transportation.
Waste diverted
Approximately 75 percent of the construction waste generated during the building of Parmer Hall was diverted from landfills.
Nature鈥檚 best drainage
Permeable pavers and bioswale provide natural drainage on campus and reduce the water sent to the municipal storm sewer system by 3.6 million gallons per year.
Making a difference
Dinner composting in our main dining hall, with student help, diverted more than 2,000 pounds of food from the landfill during one semester.